
Sunday, June 13, 2021

English Patch Project Diva 2nd# Okaidoku Ban

 Translation patch for Hatsune Miku Project Diva 2nd#. This game is an updated edition of PD 2nd with improved DLC support and other fixes.
It's compatible with standard PD 2nd savedata and edit data.

Change log:

v 0.82 (12/06/2021)

+Translated UI, menus, items

+Updated names of songs and modules

+Translated DIVA Room

- Edit Mode not translated yet

-Alternative 60 fps mod only for emulators





This patch is for Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA 2nd# Okaidoku Ban (NPJH-50475).

Please note that this needs to be applied to a clean ISO, not an already-patched one.

English Patch v0.82

English Patch v0.82 60 fps (Only for emulator)

XDelta Patcher



  1. Press the gear button and select "Backup original file"
  2. Select the ISO in [Original file]
  3. Select the patch in [XDelta Patch]
  4. Click in [Apply patch]
  5. and it's done!! Easy, right?

Install Unipatcher from the Google Play Store

  1. In "Patch file" select the Xdelta patch with the translation
  2. In "ROM file" select the original ISO of the game
  3. In "Output file" select the name and the folder where you want to save the patched game
  4. Click on the "Floppy" button and wait for the patching to finish
You can now open the game

CHEAT 60 FPS (emulator only)

Extract this file in the "Cheats" folder and enable it in emulator's menu.

Download Cheats PD 2nd#


  1. Replies
    1. Gracias a ti por tu apoyo y por jugar Project Diva.
      Avísanos si encuentras algún fallo o si tienes alguna sugerencia.


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