
Friday, March 20, 2020

English Patch Project DIVA 2nd

This is an English translation patch for the game Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA 2nd.

It is based on the 2.8a translation made by Einishi, bugs have been fixed and more things translated.


Translated so far:

v3.0 (Wyrdgirn)

-Romaji lyrics (40-character limit)
-Edit mode almost fully translated
-Fixed some bugs/errors

v2.9 (Wyrdgirn, LunaMoo, Suyo)

-Messages when starting new game
-Help text (button functions)
-Info screen (name of songs romanized and buttons translated)
-Fixed bugs in song list
-Fixed other minor bugs
-Removed watermark when playing PV

v2.8a (Einishi)

-Main menu
-Shop menu
-Song list (with errors)
-DIVA Room
-Characters and modules
-Edit mode (partial)

Some screenshots from the game:

This patch is for Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA 2nd (ULJM-05681).
It's not compatible with the revised edition Okaidoku Ban.
Please note that this needs to be applied to a clean ISO, not an already-patched one.

ISO Information:

Hatsune Miku -Project DIVA- 2nd
Game ID: ULJM-05681
CRC32: 242e921c
MD5:   2f5d32d9f77f926492b8cc07d88b18b0
SHA-1: af3929cf33e6f92cf3b991245df1ee8e2b576a17


  1. Press the gear button and select "Backup original file"
  2. Select the ISO in [Original file]
  3. Select the patch in [XDelta Patch]
  4. Click in [Apply patch]
  5. and it's done!! Easy, right? 😊

初音ミク -Project DIVA- Extend. © Sega / © Crypton Future Media, inc.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. thanks for creating this patch(gracias por crear este parche

    1. De nada, gracias a ti por usarlo =D

      Saludos ;)


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